State Management in Angular Using NgRx

Last updated 121 Days ago | 7 Min Read | 113 views

State management is an essential concept in web development, especially when it comes to managing the user control states of applications. Properly managed states not only enhance the user experience but also enable developers to create large-scale applications with heavy data communication seamlessly. For Angular development service providers, effective state management is essential for building applications with sustainable performance.

In Angular app development, there are various approaches to managing the state of user controls, with two important methods being the use of libraries like NgRx and NGXS. While both offer unique features, NgRx stands out as the widely preferred choice among developers.

In this article, we'll delve into state management using the NgRx library. Let's discover how NgRx empowers Angular development service providers to build robust applications with seamless state management.

Understanding the Need for State Management

Before we dive into the details of NgRx/store, let's first understand why managing the state is so important in modern web apps. In Angular development, 'state' basically means any data that needs to stick around as users move through different parts of the app. This includes things like user preferences, how the app is set up, and what the user sees on the screen.

Managing this state is important for several reasons:

  1. Predictability and Debugging: When the app's state is easy to predict, it means understanding and fixing problems is a piece of cake. Having all the data in one place makes it simple for developers to find bugs and strange behaviors.
  2. Maintainability: A well-organized state system makes it easy to keep the application running smoothly, even as it gets bigger. As the app grows, it's important to handle the state in a consistent way to avoid making a mess of the code.
  3. Performance Improvement: Good state management can also make the application run faster. By handling data changes smartly, we can avoid unnecessary work, which means a better experience for users.

What's NgRx?

In Angular, NgRx is a well-known set of Angular libraries used for managing the state of applications and handling reactive features. It simplifies Angular development by making it easier to manage the state of your app and ensuring that data flows in one direction. With NgRx, Angular developers can easily create, monitor, and modify the state of their applications. It allows them to visualize what the state of their Angular app looks like, make changes to it, and fetch its current value effortlessly.

How NgRx Works

In NgRx, data flows in a single direction, following the Redux concept. This means all application data moves through the same lifecycle, making the app's state more predictable and easier to understand. It's important to note that this unidirectional flow applies specifically to the state management layer, not to be confused with the presentation layer's unidirectional data flow.

  1. Store: The main storage unit in NgRx is the Store, where all the app's data is kept. It's one single box that never changes, and inside it holds everything we need to know about what's happening in our app.
  2. Actions: These are unique events that occur within our app. Actions can range from lifecycle events to user interactions and network requests. They're how the app communicates with NgRx, instructing it on what actions to take.
  3. Reducers: Responsible for managing state transitions, reducers respond to dispatched actions by executing pure functions to update the Store. Pure functions are predictable and devoid of side effects, meaning they always produce the same output given the same input.
  4. Selectors: Think of selectors as special tools that help us pick out just the right pieces of information from the store. They're like filters that we can use to grab exactly what we need from the big pool of data. These selectors are smart—they know how to figure out complex things and give us the exact values we're looking for.
  5. Effects: Effects deal with the side effects of each action. These side effects can include tasks like interacting with external APIs via HTTP when a particular action is dispatched or triggering another action to update a different part of the state.

How to Use NgRx Store with Angular

Integrating NgRx into an Angular application involves several steps:

  1. Installation: Begin by installing the necessary NgRx packages using npm or yarn. These packages include @ngrx/store, @ngrx/effects, and @ngrx/entity.
  2. State Definition: Define the structure of your application state, including actions, reducers, effects, and selectors. This step involves identifying the different pieces of state in your application and how they interact with each other.
  3. Store Integration: Inject the NgRx store into your Angular application by importing the StoreModule.forRoot() method in your app module. This makes the store available throughout your application for state management.
  4. Dispatching Actions: Components can dispatch actions to the store using the store.dispatch() method. These actions trigger the execution of reducers, resulting in state updates.
  5. Accessing State: Use selectors to retrieve specific slices of state from the store within your components. This ensures that components only have access to the data they need, promoting encapsulation and maintainability.

Pros and Cons of Using NgRx


Predictable State Management: NgRx provides a structured approach to managing the application state, leading to predictable behavior and easier debugging.

Scalability: With NgRx, applications can scale effectively as they grow in size and complexity, thanks to its robust architecture.

Time-travel Debugging: Developers can leverage tools like Redux DevTools to debug and inspect state changes over time, facilitating troubleshooting.

Code Maintainability: By enforcing strict patterns and conventions, NgRx promotes code maintainability and readability, making it easier for developers to collaborate on projects.

Testability: NgRx encourages the use of pure functions and isolated effects, resulting in code that is easier to test and maintain.


Learning Curve: NgRx has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to reactive programming concepts and Redux-like architectures.

Requires Good Knowledge of RxJS: NgRx heavily relies on RxJS for managing asynchronous operations. Therefore, a good understanding of RxJS is necessary to effectively utilize NgRx.

Difficulty in Naming Actions and Effects: It may be challenging to find proper names for actions and effects, especially in larger applications with complex state management requirements.

Overkill for Small Data Handling: Using NgRx for everything might be overkill. If you're dealing with small and uncomplicated data, fetching it directly without NgRx might be more straightforward and efficient.

When It's Suggested to Use NgRx

In simple terms, it's good to employ state management when we have data that are loaded asynchronously and used across multiple parts of our application. However, if we only require data in one component and one place, using state management might be excessive.

The SHARI Principles

There's also an official guideline known as the SHARI principle to help determine if NgRx is the right choice:

Shared: Is your data accessed by many components and services?
Hydrated: Is your data stored externally and loaded back into the application when needed?
Available: Do you need your data to be accessible when navigating between routes?
Retrieved: Does your data need to be fetched using a side-effect?
Impacted: Is your data influenced by actions from other parts of the application?

If you've answered "yes" to these questions, NgRx might be a suitable solution for your project.


In conclusion, NgRx is a powerful state management solution for Angular applications, offering predictability, scalability, and maintainability. By understanding the fundamentals of NgRx and following best practices, developers can build robust and scalable Angular applications that meet the needs of modern web development.