Unlocking the Power of Keyed Service Dependency in .NET 8

Last updated 312 Days ago | 5 Min Read | 410 views

The latest version of .NET introduces the concept of "keyed services" support in the dependency injection container. Similar to popular DI containers like Structuremap and Autofac, this addition enhances the native .NET 8 DI container, offering developers greater flexibility and control over service dependencies.

What's a Keyed Service?

A Keyed Service is a feature in dependency injection that allows developers to associate a key with a specific service implementation. Traditionally, dependency injection resolves services based on their type, but with Keyed Services, you can use a unique key to specify which implementation you want to use. This brings a new level of flexibility and control to your application architecture.

How to Implement Keyed Service Dependency

Let's go through each step of implementing Keyed Service Dependency in .NET 8 using your provided example:

Step 1: Define the Interface and Implementations

Firstly, you define an interface, let's call it ‘IStorage’, representing different storage implementations: 

Now, create two concrete implementations of this interface— ‘LocalStorage’ and ‘CloudStorage’:

Step 2: Register Implementations with Keyed Services

In the Startup.cs file, register these implementations with keyed services using ‘IServiceCollection’:

Here, ‘local’ and ‘cloud’ are the keys associated with the respective implementations.

Step 3: Resolve Services Based on Keys

Now, to resolve these services based on keys, you can use the ‘IServiceProvider’ in your application. Create a class, for example, ‘DataProcessor’, which takes ‘IServiceProvider’ in its constructor:

 Here, the ‘GetRequiredService<T>’ method is used to retrieve the ‘IStorage’ service based on the provided key (‘storageType’).

Step 4: Use Keyed Services in Application Logic

In your application logic, you can use the ‘DataProcessor’ to process data and specify the storage type:

This example demonstrates how the ‘DataProcessor’ class, with the help of keyed services, allows you to dynamically choose between ‘LocalStorage’ and ‘CloudStorage’ based on the specified storage type. This flexibility is particularly useful in scenarios where different implementations are required at runtime.

Practical Uses of Keyed Service in .NET 8:

  1. A/B Testing and Feature Toggles:

    Keyed services can play a crucial role in scenarios like A/B testing or implementing feature toggles. Consider a situation where two different implementations of a service are required to test the effectiveness of a new feature. By associating each implementation with a key, developers can easily switch between the implementations based on the key, facilitating seamless A/B testing.

  2. Configuration Management: 

    Managing configurations is a common challenge in software development. With keyed services, you can register different configuration implementations and select the appropriate one based on the configuration key.

  3. Complex Configuration:

    In scenarios where services have complex configurations, using keys can simplify the selection process and make the code more maintainable.

  4. Runtime Errors:

    Keyed services can be beneficial in handling runtime errors by dynamically choosing an alternative service implementation when the primary one encounters issues.

  5. Lack of Type Safety:

    In cases where a lack of type safety poses challenges, Keyed Service Dependency provides a means to dynamically choose the desired implementation.

  6. Overuse or Misuse:

    While powerful, developers should exercise caution to prevent overuse or misuse of keyed services. Inappropriate use of keys may lead to a complex and hard-to-maintain codebase. It's essential to strike a balance and use keyed services judiciously.

Benefits of Keyed Service Dependency:

  1. Increased Configurability: Keyed Service Dependency allows developers to configure their application's behavior more dynamically. By associating keys with specific implementations, developers can easily switch between different services based on runtime conditions or configuration settings, providing a high degree of configurability.
  2. Fine-grained Control: In scenarios where multiple implementations of a service exist, Keyed Service Dependency offers fine-grained control over which implementation gets injected. This is particularly useful in situations where different parts of an application require distinct behavior from a shared service.
  3. Enhanced Testability: The ability to easily swap out implementations based on keys makes it simpler to write unit tests. Test scenarios can be created with different implementations to validate the behavior of the application under various conditions, leading to more comprehensive testing.
  4. Improved Code Organization: Keyed Service Dependency promotes a more organized code structure by allowing developers to group related services under a common interface. This can lead to cleaner and more maintainable code, especially in large and complex applications.


Keyed Service Dependency in .NET 8 emerges as a powerful tool, elevating the capabilities of the built-in DI container. Its flexibility, precision, and organizational benefits open new avenues for developers to enhance their application architecture. As you integrate Keyed Service Dependency into your projects, consider the many possibilities it offers to optimize configuration management, streamline testing, and fortify your codebase against potential pitfalls. The future of .NET development just became a bit more dynamic and adaptable with the introduction of Keyed Service Dependency.